Monday, 15 November 2010

Continuity Editing

Continuity editing is used to create a seemless transition from shot to shot and to establish a logical coherence between these shots which emphasizes the smooth transition of time and space. In some films, this cutting into contiunity is used in a much more complex classical way which also tries to show psycholohical continuity of shots. The montage technique relies upon symbolic association of ideas between shots rather than assoication of simple phusical action for its continuity.
Jump cut
·          Awkward, abrupt jump which enables the narrative to move forward at a quicker pace.
Eye line match
·          When a character looks at something and in the next shot, we see what they are looking at.
Match on action
·          When shots can be matched through dialogue, and through shot type. Eg – when we see someone open a door, we see them coming through it.
Shot/reverse shot
·          When camera cuts from one subject to another.
Montage sequences
·          Consists of a series of short shots that are edited into a sequence to condense narrative. It is usually used to advance the story as a whole (often to suggest the passage of time)
·          Alternative filmmaking to break continuity/build thematic symbolic links between shots.
·          As a theme.

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