Saturday, 26 March 2011

Task 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progressions from it to full product?

Camera Control

Since the preliminary task, I have become much more familiar with the camera and have gained much better control of how to use it. We used a zoom in this shot, but there was a slight jerk in an attempt to zoom and this shows our lack of control with the camera. However since our preliminary task, I am much more confident in shooting different types of shots and have learnt that the use of zoom isn’t used much anymore, instead tracking shots are used. During the filming for the thriller opening sequence, we used a variety of still shots to reflect a more calm atmosphere, but we also used some jerky shots to reflect the quickened pace as the man starts to get changed much quicker. This adds to the suspense that is created.


These shots from our preliminary task show our lack of thought about the mise-en-scene of the scene. There are unwanted objects in the background of the shot which make the shot look unprofessional and messy. In the filming of our thriller, we were careful to create a mise-en-scene which captured the right action/thriller feel that we were aiming for. We ensured that no unwanted objects were in the shot in an attempt to make a professional looking sequence.


This is an example of the bad lighting choice used in our preliminary task. It was too bright and artificial looking, and it doesn’t allow us to see her face. In the filming of our thriller, we thought about the lighting carefully, as we wanted to create the effect of a homely couple’s bedroom, and so the use of bedside lamps was used in assistance with a red head light which we directed towards the ceiling so that it could reflect of the surface and create a natural, ambient lighting.


This is a screenshot of a shot in our preliminary task which shows an example of the bad use of sound continuity. There is an obvious sound change where the sound cuts off which makes it sound and look unprofessional. Since our preliminary task, we have learnt to make sure that sound continuity remains constant throughout, and we have also become much more advanced in our use of sound. We have learnt how to create and import sound from soundtrack pro, which is a program which allows you to produce and edit sounds to create the desired effect. In our thriller, these sounds help to contribute to the building suspense throughout the sequence.

White Balance

This is a shot from our preliminary task which is an example of the bad lighting. The lighting is too bright, and it appears that perhaps the right white balance wasn’t used. Since our preliminary task, we have learnt how to appropriately and effectively apply white balance to create the right, desired lighting for a scene. 

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