Sunday, 18 September 2011

Climbing up the walls music video idea

I decided to express my idea in a more visual way to allow others to understanding what kind of video I’m intending. As I’ve said, ‘Climbing up the walls’ reminds me of something that would be played on skins, so I looked on youtube for the Skins soundtrack and came across a video which was made up of a montage of clips from the series, predominately focussing on Effie.

I love the style of editing throughout this video, especially the way that different clips are over-layed over each other. In order to see whether the music fitted to this style of editing, I converted the video from youtube into an AVI file. I then imported this into Windows Movie Maker and then muted the sound. I then imported ‘Climbing up the walls’ and added this to the timeline along with the video. I then played the two together, and I think it fit really well. The music itself is quite haunting, and along with the image of Effie drinking, and smudged mascara down her face, I think they combined really well together.

Obviously I wouldn’t use this footage, but I will use the concept of how it’s been produced. For example, there could be a girl who’s struggling with an eating disorder, and the montage of images could portray how she never feels good enough.

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