Performance Lighting
For our performance element, we only really want to see the silhouettes of our band in order to reinforce the band’s image, which is quite serious and very unlike many bands and artists today. Instead of being in the foreground with lots of flashing lights, and essentially drawing attention to themselves, we wanted to take a different approach. We wanted it to be more about their music as opposed to their appearance. For this reason, we want them to be more in the background, with very few close ups of their faces etc.
In order to achieve this, we’ve spoken with a lighting designer, and we have decided to have some sort of light coming from the back wall which will hopefully produce the silhouette image that we are looking to achieve. We are also thinking of having a thin haze of smoke, which will further emphasize how the band’s music is more important, and how they are so passionate that they are lost in their own music.
We didn’t want any really bright colours as we felt that this would grab too much attention away from the rest of the video and wouldn’t fit in with the image of our band being quite subtle and neutral. For this reason we felt that earthy such as brown and dark red would create that fiery feeling towards the end of the song, whilst not detracting too much away from the other elements in the video.
Narrative Lighting
I’ve looked at a low key lighting set up for the narrative element of our video, as we had already discussed that we wanted lowly saturated light. We want to keep everything quite neutral, not quite black and white, but with a filter which takes away most of the light. I don’t know whether this is exactly the kind of lighting we will want to use, but we would like to use the concept of this lighting set up, as I feel that it will be a very powerful and epic way of portraying the narrative.
This is a photo that Fergus took on his iphone which I then edited on Picasa. I added a neutral tint and changed the contrast settings to produce this kind of lighting which I feel works quite well.