Our track was originally about 5 minutes long, so I used the recording studios to cut the song down to 3 minutes. In order to do this, I had to get hold of a wav file of the actual song to ensure it was the best possible quality version. I then imported this into Pro Tools, where I then cut the middle section of the song and then used a cross-fade to overlap the 2 sections so that they joined together at the end of the chorus. I then cut the end of the song, where I used a fade to make the ending not sound too abrupt. I then exported this as a stereo interleaved file which I transported onto a CD. I used this CD to transfer the file onto the computers in the edit suite, where I imported the track into Final Cut Pro in preparation for our Animatic.
We took individual pictures of each storyboard image and positioned them in place alongside the track. Obviously this wasn’t going to be an accurate representation of what our video is going to look like, but we needed a general idea of how the video was going to unfold. This is the animatic we created:
The animatic wasn’t as successful as we had hoped, but we are currently looking at different shots we could potentially use in our video, however we haven’t displayed them in this animatic. This is just a rough idea of how the video will look.
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